Scott Bader celebrating international women and girls in science day 2020!
Today we join the United Nation’s celebration of women and girls in science! According to the UN, the past 15 years has seen the global community working hard in inspiring and engaging women and girls in science. So in light of this, we are sharing the thoughts of just a few of our female colleagues across the Scott Bader Group on what it is they love about science and how it has shaped their career path.
Inga Becker-Hansen, a Senior Assistant in Formulated Materials Development at Scott Bader UK says: “From a young age I enjoyed science and grew to appreciate just how incredible and awe-inspiring it can be, and how it furthers my curiosity. There is nothing that can compare to the eureka feeling when you find something new; you understand something you did not before; you have finally managed to get the right formulation for your product or managing to carry out a reaction you have been practising for months! Being able to draw conclusions from your own work is highly motivational, and just adds to my determination.”
For Maghnia Bouchelil and Camille Jourdan who work in laboratories at Scott Bader France, there were Chemists in their families and it was a natural step to study Chemistry and then move into science-based roles.

Scott Bader France: From left to right: Maghnia Bouchelil, Sylvie Lehoucq, Florence Desfontaines, Camille Jourdan
Heather Puddephatt, a Senior Chemist in Formulated Materials Development at Scott Bader UK, talks about her career choice; “I always enjoyed studying science and I wanted to start my career working in a laboratory. As a Chemist I have daily opportunities for new learning and problem solving that keeps me motivated. Developing a solution and knowing that product could be used anywhere on our planet, providing benefit to our customers is very rewarding.”
Careers in Engineering often start with a love of Science. Sylvie Lehoucq, a Chemical Engineer at Scott Bader France; “I always liked Science at school but I thought it was too abstract; I wanted to see what it was for, so I chose to become a Chemical Engineer.”
Helen Clifton, a Processing Engineer at Scott Bader UK adds; “I like to understand how things work. I also enjoy problem solving – be it designing a solution to a new process, fixing a process that’s not working as it should or optimising a process. Another part I relish is commissioning and that’s when the design comes to life”
We’ll leave the final word with Francy Cullen, a Technical Services Manager at Scott Bader South Africa for Speciality Polymers, who clearly has really enjoyed a diverse career in Science! “I have been involved in the amazing world of Chemistry from the investigation of blood to the brewing of beer, oil analysis and polymerisation of epoxies, unsaturated polyesters, vinyl esters and water based polymers. These “polymers” I call my “babies” and it is so intriguing to see how they grow and perform in industry. It’s fascinating to be involved in such stimulating industries with never a dull moment! I am so glad how my career panned out in the world of Science.”
Scott Bader is extremely proud of our growing female talent pool of women in science and we look forward to welcoming more women into science in the future!