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Supporting education in Sri Lanka through the Scott Bader Commonwealth

The Scott Bader Commonwealth have been working for several years with the Rainbow Centre in Sri Lanka.

The Rainbow Centre enables all students to obtain the skills required to improve their career opportunities including intensive English language and IT programmes.

Support from the Scott Bader Commonwealth has enabled the addition of two teachers to the English language programme which currently educates 70 pupils with 2-3 additional hours of English language training per week, with the option for students to attend lessons throughout school holidays for an extra 4-6 hours per week. In total, this is allowing 165 students, from the age of 2 the education to help their future.

The Rainbow Centres’ IT programme has also been able to increase computer-based learning to improve IT skills. The new, intensive IT programme is currently providing approximately 70 pupils, in grades 6 to 11, with 2 additional hours of IT training per week during the term time increasing to 4-6 additional hours of IT training per week during the school holiday.

Staff at the Rainbow Centre are positive these skills will increase the opportunities available to pupils and help further their future careers, allowing them to break free from generational poverty with ongoing support.

“We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support of the Scott Bader Commonwealth and the broad range of projects and vital improvements that have been enabled to take place. Scott Bader are a significant donor and participant in the success of the Rainbow Centre and the many transformational improvements that have been implemented in many areas of its educational and welfare work.” – – The Rainbow Centre

The Scott Bader Commonwealth has also recently supported the education of women in India. Find out more here.

